Halcyon Calc can store values into symbols and manipulate those symbols. Working with these symbols is described in the following sections:
A symbol is a name which can be used to store a value for future use. The symbol name is between 1 and 127 characters long and must not start with a digit. Valid characters in the symbol name are any letter (upper or lower case), digit (as long as it isn't the first character) or one of the following:
To enter a symbol on the command line, press the "'" (single quote) button, then hit each button for each character in the name of the symbol, and finally press "Enter". You can also optionally press the "'" button again at the end of the symbol name to close the quotation. If you are entering the symbol "X", you can do that by pressing "'", "X" and finally "Enter". You will find that 'X' will appear on the stack which is a symbol.
Note that when you press the "'" button the first time, the calculator goes into "algebraic mode". When in algebraic mode, pressing buttons which normally execute operations will instead insert text onto the command line. For example, pressing the "SIN" button will append "SIN(" onto the command line. Refer to command line section of the UI Guide for more information about algebraic mode.
Alternatively, if you skip pressing the "'" button and just press "X" and "Enter", the calculator does the following:
To store a value in a symbol, push the value you want to store on the stack followed by the symbol you would like to store it into. Then, press the "Sto" button which will pop those two items from the stack and store that value into that symbol. The "Sto" button will execute the STO operation.
Note that anything which can be pushed onto the stack can be stored in a symbol. Not only real and complex numbers, but lists, strings, expressions and even other symbols can be stored in a symbol.
A common use for symbols might be to declare your own constants. Perhaps you often need to do calculations with Avogadro's constant. If so, you can store the value 6.02214179E23 into the symbol "N". Then, whenever you need to work with that constant, you can just recall the value of "N".
There are two ways to recall the value of a symbol. The easy way is to enter the name of the symbol at the command line without prefixing it with a single quote. An unquoted symbol name is looked up and if a value is found, the value is pushed onto the stack. Otherwise, the symbol itself is pushed onto the stack.
The alternative is to push the symbol onto the stack and then press the "■Rcl" button. Pressing this button will execute the RCL operation and pop the symbol from the stack and replace it with the value of that symbol. If the symbol has no value associated with it in the symbol table, an error will be displayed.
If you no longer need the value of a symbol and would like to clear the symbol from the symbol table, use the "■Purge" button. To purge the value of a symbol, push the symbol name onto the stack and press the "■Purge" button. This button executes the PURGE operation and it pops the symbol name from the stack and removes that symbol from the symbol table. Any value associated with that symbol is lost.
If you don't recall the symbols in the symbol table or would like to quickly recall the value of several symbols, press the "User" button. This will cause a special set of menu buttons to slide in. Each page of six menu buttons will show a symbol name (truncated if necessary to fit on the button). You can swipe to the left and right to view the different pages of buttons or use the "Next" and "■Prev" buttons to flip through the pages. This is a great way to review which symbols you have created.
When you press one of these buttons, the value of that symbol will be recalled and pushed onto the stack. Also, if you press "'" first (or put the calculator in algebraic mode), then the symbol name will be appended to the command line. If the button you press is labelled "X", then the command line will now read 'X. So, pressing "Enter" will push the symbol name onto the stack (in this case, 'X' will be pushed onto the stack). Using these two methods, the "User" menu is a great way to get the value of a symbol or to push the symbol name itself onto the stack.
By default, the newest symbols created are shown earlier in the "User" menu buttons. The oldest symbol created will be on the last page. But, you may find this default order difficult to use. If so, you can use the ORDER operation from the "Memory" menu to tweak the order of symbols. First, create a list of symbol names in the order you would like them to appear. You don't need to include all symbol names and any left out of the list will be put at the end. Push the list of symbols onto the stack and then execute the ORDER operation. After execution, the list will be popped from the stack and the symbols in the "User" menu will be re-ordered.
If you want a list to start with, you can execute the VARS operation from the "Memory" menu. This operation will push a list of symbols onto the stack in the order they appear right now. You could then edit that list and re-order some symbols to prepare it for use with ORDER operation.
But, in some situations, you really would like to keep a group of symbols together and separate them from other symbols. For this, you can create directories of symbols. Note that directories are not supported on Halcyon Calc Lite. By default, the calculator starts with a single root directory called "HOME". If you want to create a directory called DIR1, you push the symbol 'DIR1' into the stack and then execute the CRDIR operation (CReate DIRectory) from the "Memory" menu. The operation will pop that symbol name from the stack and create a directory with that name in the current directory. It does not change the current directory.
To change to a directory, you can type the symbol for that directory into the command line without the "'" prefixing it. When the calculator looks up the "value" of the symbol, it finds that the symbol is a directory and then switches to that directory. Alternatively, if you bring up the "User" menu and press the symbol button for that directory, then the calculator switches to that directory.
When the calculator switches to a directory, the following things happen:
The lookup behaviour means that some good rules of thumb when using directories are:
At any time, you can use the PATH operation from the "Memory" menu to get the current directory path. This operation will push a list onto the stack which starts with the symbol HOME and each successive symbol is the next directory which eventually leads to the current directory the calculator is set to. Also, if you want to descend to a different directory, you can execute the HOME operation from the "Memory" menu to return back to the "HOME" directory. From there, you can descend through to a different directory.
With the menu buttons which dynamically change, the calculator can present many more operations than can actually fit comfortably on the screen. But, you may find that you end up switching between many different sets of menu buttons or flipping through pages often to get to the four or five buttons you mainly access. Also, you may have a large number of symbols stored in the symbol table, making the "User" menu tough to navigate but it would be great to have a smaller selection of symbols in a more convenient menu.
The calculator offers the MENU operation from the "Memory" menu to allow you to create a custom set of menu buttons. First, create a list of symbols which you want to have accessible. To create a list of symbols, you want to leave off the "'" character. So, to make a menu of three trig operations, enter the list:
into the command line. You can enter the names of operations or symbols. Once you have your list, execute the MENU operation which pops that list off the stack and creates the custom menu for you. To access that custom menu, press the "■Custom" button.
There are many operations which you can use when working with symbols: