The following table contains the list of operations which have an inverse function. The ISOL operation uses these inverse functions to isolate a symbol in an expression.
Operation | Description |
+ |
The add operation will take its two numerical operands and produce the sum as its result. It operates on reals,... |
- |
The subtract operation will take its two numerical operands and produce the difference as its result. It operates... |
= |
This operation always produces an expression which describes a relationship between its left and right side. Unlike... |
This operation calculates the inverse cosine... |
This operation calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine... |
This operation calculates the reverse base 10 logarithm of its... |
This operation calculates the inverse sine... |
This operation calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine... |
This operation calculates the inverse tangent... |
This operation calculates the hyperbolic sine... |
This function takes a complex value and returns its conjugate value. A conjugate value has the same real component... |
This operation calculates the cosine function of... |
This operation calculates the hyperbolic cosine... |
This operation calculates the reverse base e logarithm... |
This operation calculates the equivalent of (EXP(x) - 1) where x is the the argument... |
This operation takes a real of complex value and produces its inverse. The inverse is one divided by the input... |
LN |
This operation calculates the natural logarithm (base e)... |
LNP1 |
This operation calculates the equivalent of LN(1 + x) where x is the the argument from... |
This operation calculates the base 10 logarithm of its input... |
Given a real or complex input, this function returns the value of that input multiplied by -1. Given a matrix or... |
This operation calculates the sine function of... |
This operation calculates the hyperbolic sine... |
SQ |
The SQ operation multiplies its input argument by itself to produce the square of that input value. The value can... |
This operation calculates the tangent function of... |
This operation calculates the hyperbolic tangent... |
^ |
This operation calculates xy given that values x and y are pushed onto the stack in that order. Either... |
× |
The multiply operation will take its two numerical operands and produce the product as its result. It operates on... |
÷ |
The divide operation will take its two numerical operands and produce the quotient as its result. It operates on... |
√ |
This operation takes a real or complex value and finds its square root. The positive root is return for real values... |