
Calculator Key: ×

Member Of Menu: 
Argument Types: 
Result Type(s): 
Valid In Expression: 
Stack Diagram: 
Real1 Real2 Real3
Complex1 Complex2 Complex3
Real1 Complex2 Complex3
Complex1 Real2 Complex3
Integer1 Integer2 Integer3
Real1 Integer2 Integer3
Integer1 Real2 Integer3
Real1 Array2 Array3
Array1 Real2 Array3
Complex1 Array2 Array3
Array1 Complex2 Array3
Array1 Array2 Array3
Symbol1 Symbol2 Expression3
Expression1 Expression2 Expression3

The multiply operation will take its two numerical operands and produce the product as its result. It operates on reals, complex and integer values. Also, you can combine reals with complex values and reals with integer values. The result will be a complex or integer value respectively.

The multiply operation can also multiply a vector or matrix by a real or complex value. The result will be a vector or matrix with the same dimensions with each value from the input array multiplied by the real or complex value.

The multiply operation can be used to multiply a matrix or vector with another matrix or vector. The following rules are enforced on the input parameters:

  • Array1 must not be a vector.
  • Array2 can be a vector. If it is, it is treated just like a matrix with one column and N rows where N is the number of values in the vector.
  • The number of columns in Array1 must match the number of rows in Array2

The actual operation performed is a matrix multiplication.

The result will have the following properties:

  • If Array2 is a vector, then the result is a vector of the same dimension.
  • Otherwise, the result will be a matrix with same number of rows as Array1 and the same number of columns as Array2.
  • If any one input is a complex matrix or vector, then the result will be complex.
  • Otherwise, the result will be real.