The following table lists all of the build-in units which you can use with the CONVERT operation.
Unit | Name | Unit Type | Value |
a | Are | Area | 100 m2 |
A | Ampere | Electric current | 1 A |
acre | Acre | Area | 4046.87260987 m2 |
arcmin | Minute of arc | Plane angle | 4.62962962963E-5 |
arcs | Second of arc | Plane angle | 7.71604938272E-7 |
atm | Atmosphere | Pressure | 101325 kg / m * s2 |
au | Astronomical unit | Length | 149597900000 m |
A° | Angstrom | Length | 0.0000000001 m |
b | Barn | Area | 1.0E-28 m2 |
bar | Bar | Pressure | 100000 kg / m * s2 |
bbl | Barrel of oil | Volume | 0.158987294928 m3 |
Bq | Becquerel | Activity | 1 1 / s |
Btu | International Table Btu | Energy | 1055.05585262 kg * m2 / s2 |
bu | Bushel | Volume | 0.03523907 m3 |
c | Speed of light | Velocity | 299792458 m / s |
C | Coulomb | Electric charge | 1 A * s |
cal | International Table calorie | Energy | 4.1868 kg * m2 / s2 |
cd | Candela | Luminous intensity | 1 cd |
chain | Chain | Length | 20.1168402337 m |
Ci | Curie | Activity | 3.7E10 1 / s |
ct | Carat | Mass | 0.0002 kg |
cu | US cup | Volume | 2.365882365E-4 m3 |
d | Day | Time | 86400 s |
dyn | Dyne | Force | 0.00001 kg * m / s2 |
erg | Erg | Energy | 0.0000001 kg * m2 / s2 |
eV | Electron volt | Energy | 1.60219E-19 kg * m2 / s2 |
F | Farad | Capacitance | 1 A2 * s4 / kg * m2 |
fath | Fathom | Length | 1.82880365761 m |
fbm | Board foot | Colume | 0.002359737216 m3 |
fc | Footcandle | Luminance | 0.856564774909 cd / m2 |
Fdy | Faraday | Electric charge | 96487 A * s |
fermi | Fermi | Length | 1.0E-15 m |
flam | Footlambert | Luminance | 3.42625909964 cd / m2 |
ft | International foot | Length | 0.3048 m |
ftUS | Survey foot | Length | 0.304800609601 m |
g | Gram | Mass | 0.001 kg |
ga | Standard freefall | Acceleration | 9.80665 m / s2 |
gal | US gallon | Volume | 0.003785411784 m3 |
galC | Canadian gallon | Volume | 0.00454609 m3 |
galUK | UK gallon | Volume | 0.004546092 m3 |
gf | Gram-force | Force | 0.00980665 kg * m / s2 |
grad | Grade | Plane angle | 0.0025 |
grain | Grain | Mass | 0.00006479891 kg |
Gy | Gray | Absorbed dose | 1 m2 / s2 |
h | Hour | Time | 3600 s |
H | Henry | Inductance | 1 kg * m2 / A2 * s2 |
hp | Horsepower | Power | 745.699871582 kg * m2 / s3 |
Hz | Hertz | Frequency | 1 1 / s |
in | Inch | Length | 0.0254 m |
inHg | Inches of mercury | Pressure | 3386.38815789 kg / m * s2 |
inH2O | Inches of water | Pressure | 248.84 kg / m * s2 |
J | Joule | Energy | 1 kg * m2 / s2 |
kip | Kilopound-force | Force | 4448.22161526 kg * m / s2 |
knot | Knot | Speed | 0.514444444444 m / s |
kph | Kilometer per hour | Speed | 0.277777777778 m / s |
l | Liter | Volume | 0.001 m3 |
lam | Lambert | Luminance | 3183.09886184 cd / m2 |
lb | Avoirdupois pound | Mass | 0.45359237 kg |
lbf | Pound-force | Force | 4.44822161526 kg * m / s2 |
lbt | Troy lb | Mass | 0.3732417 kg |
lm | Lumen | Luminance flux | 7.95774715459E-2 cd |
lx | Lux | Illuminance | 7.95774715459E-2 cd / m2 |
lyr | Light year | Length | 9.46052840488E15 m |
m | Meter | Length | 1 m |
mho | Mho | Electrical conductance | 1 A2 * s3 / kg * m2 |
mi | International mile | Length | 1609.344 m |
mil | Mil | Length | 0.0000254 m |
min | Minute | Time | 60 s |
miUS | US statute mile | Length | 1609.34721869 m |
mmHg | Millimeter of mercury | Pressure | 133.322368421 kg / m * s2 |
mol | Mole | Amount of substance | 1 mol |
mph | Miles per hour | Speed | 0.44704 m / s |
N | Newton | Force | 1 kg * m / s2 |
nmi | Nautical mile | Length | 1852 m |
ohm | Ohm | Electrical resistance | 1 kg * m2 / A2 * s3 |
oz | Ounce | Mass | 0.028349523125 kg |
ozfl | US fluid ounce | Volume | 2.95735295625E-5 m3 |
ozt | Troy ounce | Mass | 0.031103475 kg |
ozUK | UK fluid ounce | Volume | 0.000028413075 m3 |
P | Poise | Dynamic viscosity | 0.1 kg / m * s |
Pa | Pascal | Pressure | 1 kg / m * s2 |
pc | Parsec | Length | 3.08567818585E16 m |
pdl | Poundal | Force | 0.138254954376 kg * m / s2 |
ph | Phot | Luminance | 795.774715459 cd / m2 |
pk | Peck | Volume | 0.0088097675 m3 |
psi | Pounds per square inch | Pressure | 6894.75729317 kg / m * s2 |
pt | Pint | Volume | 0.000473176473 m3 |
qt | Quart | Volume | 0.000946352946 m3 |
r | Radian | Plane angle | 0.159154943092 |
R | Roentgen | Radiation exposure | 0.000258 A * s / kg |
rad | Rad | Absorbed dose | 0.01 m2 / s2 |
rd | Rod | Length | 5.02921005842 m |
rem | Rem | Dose equivalent | 0.01 m2 / s2 |
s | Second | Time | 1 s |
S | Siemens | Electric conductance | 1 A2 * s3 / kg * m2 |
sb | Stib | Luminance | 10000 cd / m2 |
slug | Slug | Mass | 14.5939029372 kg |
sr | Steradian | Solid angle | 7.95774715459E-2 |
st | Stere | Volume | 1 m3 |
St | Stokes | Kinematic viscosity | 0.0001 m2 / s |
Sv | Sievert | Dose equivalent | 1 m2 / s2 |
t | Metric ton | Mass | 1000 kg |
T | Tesla | Magnetic induction | 1 kg / A * s2 |
tbsp | Tablespoon | Volume | 1.47867647813E-5 m3 |
therm | EEC therm | Energy | 105506000 kg * m2 / s2 |
ton | Short ton | Mass | 907.18474 kg |
tonUK | Long ton | Mass | 1016.0469088 kg |
torr | Torr | Pressure | 133.322368421 kg / m * s2 |
tsp | Teaspoon | Volume | 4.92892159375E-6 m3 |
u | Unified atomic mass | Mass | 1.66058E-27 kg |
V | Volt | Electric potential | 1 kg * m2 / A * s3 |
W | Watt | Power | 1 kg * m2 / s3 |
Wb | Weber | Magnetic flux | 1 kg * m2 / A * s2 |
yd | International yard | Length | 0.9144 m |
yr | Year | Time | 31556925.9747 s |
° | Degree | Angle | 2.777777777778E-3 |
°C | Degree Celsius | Temperature | 1 °K |
°F | Degree Fahrenheit | Temperature | 0.555555555556 °K |
°K | Degree Kelvin | Temperature | 1 °K |
°R | Degree Rankine | Temperature | 0.555555555556 °K |
μ | Micron | Length | 0.000001 m |
? | User quantity | 1 ? | |
1 | Dimensionless unit | 1 |