Real1 | → | Real2 |
Complex1 | → | Complex2 |
Symbol1 | → | Symbol2 |
Expression1 | → | Expression2 |
The COLCT operation collects terms and factors in order to simplify an expression. It does this by doing the following things:
If the COLCT operation encounters an operation it cannot collect, it will try to collect the arguments to that operation. So, 'SIN(10+X+2+X)' will become 'SIN(12+2*X)'.
Similarly, each factor or term can be an expression that collect can't necessarily operate on but it will still collect them. So, 'SIN(X)+2*SIN(X)' will become '3*SIN(X)'.
The COLCT operation attempts to perform all possible collect opportunities across the whole expression in a single call. Re-executing COLCT a second time should never result in a further "collected" expression. This differs from EXPAN which will perform a single expansion with every execution until no further expansions are possible.