Member Of Menu: 
Argument Types: 
Result Type(s): 
Valid In Expression: 
Stack Diagram: 
Real1 ... Realn Realn+1 [Real1 ... Realn]
Real1 ... Realn { Realn+1 } [Real1 ... Realn]
Complex1 ... Complexn Realn+1 [Complex1 ... Complexn]
Complex1 ... Complexn { Realn+1 } [Complex1 ... Complexn]
Real1 ... Realn { Realn+1 Realn+2 } [[Real1 ... Realn]]
Complex1 ... Complexn { Realn+1 Realn+2 } [[Complex1 ... Complexn]]

This operation is used to create vectors and matrices from multiple values on the stack. If the top of the stack is a real value, the result will be a vector with that many values. If the top of the stack is a list with a single real value, the result will be a vector with that many values. If the top of the stack is a list with two real values, the result will be a matrix with that many rows and columns. The number of rows is the first value from the list.

The values for the vector or matrix are retrieved from the stack. All of those values must be real or complex. If any one of them is complex, then the result will be a complex vector or matrix. If all values are real, then the result will be a real vector or matrix.