Halcyon Touch Software has lowered the price of Halcyon Calc to $4.99 for a limited time. Combining this reduced price with the new features available today in Halcyon Calc version 1.1 and there is little reason to consider any other advanced calculator for the iPhone or iPod Touch. Buy it today on the App Store. Not sure it is for you? Watch our demo video.
Halcyon Calc is a full-featured RPN calculator for the iPhone and the iPod Touch. Among the key features of Halcyon Calc are complex number support and the ability to enter, evaluate and find the roots of expressions. The calculator provides over 180 operations including trigonometry and logarithm functions. With simple programming support, the calculator allows you to create your own operations which you can use with the other built-in operations in expressions. The user interface is unique and takes excellent advantage of a touch based interface to allow you to quickly scroll through the stack, copy and paste values from the stack and page through operations to manipulate values on the stack.
Halcyon Touch Software was founded in 2008 by Jeremy Rand with the goal of providing wonderful software for the iPhone and iPod Touch platforms.